Last year one of our interior designers, Brandi Atwell, participated in the leadership class offered by the Kansas City Women’s Chamber of Commerce. While many organizations offer valuable leadership programs, this particular one offered a unique twist in being specifically tailored to women. As A3G is an all-female firm this seemed to be a perfect fit.

Society all too often focuses on women being the most critical of other women, but the Kansas City Women’s Chamber of Commerce has really worked to show that we are in fact, each other’s biggest supporters.

For this leadership class, team building activities took a new look focusing all participants inwards and together at the same time. Meditation, movement, Reiki and vision boards are just a few examples of activities that allowed the women to develop real connections that go past the traditional leadership classroom.

Being a great leader in any capacity starts with the self-first! Women historically have felt that taking care of themselves was “selfish” but we are learning this is far from the truth. Self-awareness, care, confidence, etc. are in fact crucial to developing traits of a good leader and strengthening communication skills at all levels. This also seems to be the best way to feel like a “work/life balance” can be achieved in some capacity.

While these lessons have been in action with Brandi since leaving the class, it seems now might be a great time for all women to take these principles to heart. As many of us are spending more time alone and at home, it’s easy to feel a little lost and as if progress is at a standstill. Instead of letting those feelings take over, maybe instead we can all take this time to look inward knowing that we will come out better co-workers, leaders, friends and people.

For more information on the Kansas City Women’s Chamber of Commerce, visit